Pregnancy and Prenatal Massage Therapy
“Happy Mom and Healthy Baby!”
Safe relaxation and therapy during pregnancy by a certified prenatal massage therapist, who is also a Registered Nurse.
Relaxation. Enjoy safe and soothing therapy in positions of comfort to help Mom and Baby. Massage decreases stress, increases circulation, relaxes muscles and improves immunity. You and Baby will feel revived!
Therapy. Relieve pain and reduce tension of your back, shoulders, hips and legs. Let the RN-CMT therapist maximize Mom’s comfort and function and improve Baby’s health. Prepare for and optimize the delivery experience.
Safe and Effective. In the hands of a certified prenatal massage therapist, pregnancy massage is safe in each trimester. Expert therapy will be relaxing, therapeutic and prepare you for an optimal labor and delivery experience — with fewer complications and improved baby health. Steve is one of only a few therapists in the area certified in prenatal massage therapy, and is also an instructor.
Expert Therapist. Steve has extensive RN experience and one of only a few therapists in the Sacramento area certified in pregnancy massage. He has also been an instructor for prenatal and postpartum massage, as well as women’s health bodywork. His article on Postpartum Massage was featured on the Amereican Pregnancy Association website.
Preparation for Labor, Delivery and Postpartum. Your prenatal sessions will include discussions and therapy that will prepare you for labor and delivery. In your final month we will also assist you with preparation for postpartum needs, including breastfeeding.
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